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Men's Traps: Pornography

Writer's picture: Tyson MorganTyson Morgan

Updated: Mar 24, 2023

As we continue our blog series of “Men’s Traps” we now visit what probably trips men up more than anything else, pornography. Sadly, the statistics show that there is little to no difference between men inside the church vs. outside the church when it comes to pornography.

It’s evil, and our enemy uses it to destroy marriages, women become objects rather than sisters in Christ, and if you are married, a lack of sexual satisfaction with your spouse occurs because they are not “performing” like the woman on your screen. If you are not married, it also will quickly create a lack of sexual satisfaction as what you have watched is now what you expect. Once you “expect” – you’ll never be completely satisfied.

Here are some statistics so you understand how concerning and how much a grip the enemy has on men (and women) today.

More than 40 million Americans are regular visitors to porn sites. The average visit lasts 6 and a half minutes.

  •  There are about 370 million pages of porn.

  •  The porn industry’s annual revenue is more than the NFL, NBA and MLB…combined! It also brings in more income than the combined revenues of ABC, CBS, and NBC.

  •  47% of families in the US reported that pornography is a problem in their homes.

  •  Pornography increases the marital infidelity rate by more than 300%

  •  The average age of a child first exposed to porn? 11. 94% of children will see porn by the time they are 14 years old.

  •  68% of churchgoing men and more than 50% of pastors view porn on a regular basis. Of young

  • Christian adults (18-24 years old) 76% actively search for porn.

  •  59% of pastors say married men seek their help for porn use.

  •  55% of married men say they have watched porn at least once a month.

Shocking statistics show how the enemy has gained (and continues to gain) ground over men (and our children) in this area.

What does the Bible say about pornography? There are verses on adultery, lust, sexual immorality, and temptation. Scripture provides sound advice and insight on preserving relationships, primarily the importance of honoring your marriage or your girlfriend.

But isn’t this sin just sin and can be forgiven? True, but the Bible does have some things to say about sexual immorality that sets it apart from other sins.

1 Corinthians 6:18 – Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.

1 Peter 2:11 – Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul.

Colossians 3:5 – Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, and greed, which is idolatry.

Galatians 5:19 – The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery;

Hebrews 13:4 – Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.

Job 31:1 – I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman.

As Christian men, we are called to live holy lives free from sexual immorality, but the truth is, some feel powerless to break off the chains of lust and shame that pornography use has put around them. We ask “Why do I keep falling back into the same sin?” “Why can’t I quit this destructive behavior?” “Where is the freedom that we are promised in the Bible?”

If this is you…two things. We are in your corner and want to support you in this battle, and secondly, the power of sin is no match for the power of the Savior.

Breaking free from habitual sin like pornography requires a change in your relationship with God, a change in your view toward sin, and a change in your relationship with others. It’s time to focus our eyes on something more appealing…Jesus Christ.

Remember when you are in the middle of this battle, purity is not your main goal. Honoring God by showing your love to Him in holiness in every area of your life is the main goal.

How can you get started and start getting some victories in this area instead of constant defeats?

1. Pray – Ask God for the grace to change. Apart from the grace of God, we are powerless to turn from any sinful habit. Psalm 34:7 – When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their trouble. Ask God to give you the same hatred for your sin as He has.

2. Pursue God – The root of all porn struggles is simple – the love for lust is greater than your love for God. This isn’t to beat you down, but in that moment, it’s the truth. Make sure you start your day with worship, prayer, and the Word – this will lessen this stronghold.

3. Remove Sources of Temptation – Filters on your computer, phone, or TV and throw out anything that tempts you.

4. Be Accountable – The biggest lie a sin can make us believe is that you are alone with nobody to help, and you are the only one that can’t control this sin. Not true. Every man needs Godly accountability. Find someone (reach out to us:; join us for one of our meetings on Monday night) who will care enough for you to help you battle in this area.

5. Don’t Give Up – In Jesus there is restoration, freedom, redemption, and healing. Even though you may be discouraged and face setbacks, put your hope in Jesus and keep preaching the gospel to yourself. If you do fail, don’t let discouragement lead you to despair, but honor God by not giving up. Keep punching…

If you need help in this battle, we have men that will help you. Reach out, you are not in this alone.

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