“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” – Mark Twain
Some of you may remember Paul Harvey. He was a radio broadcaster and storyteller. He had a radio show daily from 1951-2008. I admit I didn’t listen to him often, but I did have a class growing up where we were able to listen to his show and enjoying the stories he would tell.
I remember one story (either I listened to it or remember someone telling it) where Paul Harvey shared a story about four young men who were late to class. They finally made it to class and told their teacher they were late because of a flat tire in the car they were riding in. The teacher was sympathetic and let them know it was unfortunate they were late because they missed a test that morning, but in her kindness she was willing to let them make it up, with one condition. She gave each young man a piece of paper and sent them to four corners of the room. She then instructed them that she would pass them if they could just answer one question correctly…”Which tire was flat?”
As Christians, how do we live with integrity? It’s not always easy, and in today’s world it doesn’t seem like a high priority. But the truth we have to remember is really two things…
1. God has chosen us to be Christ’s representatives on this earth and calls us to live a life worthy
of that calling. (2 Corinthians 5:20)
2. People are watching our life. When they watch…can they see Christ in us? If we are truly
Christ’s representatives, how are we doing representing Him?
Proverbs 20:7 – The righteous who walk in integrity – blessed are his children after him!
Here at Upward Men, we talk a lot about leaving an inheritance to your children. A spiritual inheritance. This verse says that when we walk in integrity, our children are blessed after us. Let that guide our decision making.
When we are all alone, with no peer pressure keeping us on the straight and narrow path, this is when our real character is put to the test.
How can we be good ambassadors? Good representatives of Christ and live with integrity? By showing those folks who are watching us how it is to live a Godly life.
Jesus had a lot of critics and haters, but even they can’t deny the fact that He lived a sinless, righteous, and holy life on earth. Everything He ever did, He did in obedience to the Father.
John 6:38 – For I have come down from heaven, not to do My will, but the will of Him who sent Me”
If we truly want to live a life of integrity – we simply have to stop living, doing and acting according to our will and our flesh, and pursue the “better way” – the way that makes us more like Jesus.